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Do you, your group or your employer want to know more about the benefits of pet therapy and the support we offer?

We can deliver:

  • Short talks about our work with a therapy dog present 

  • Online 'What is Pet Therapy' presentations 

  • Tailored training days on the impact of therapy dogs (full or half days)

  • Guest speaker at conferences (online or in person)


Please get in touch to discuss what we can do for you. 

Training news:

In April, we were invited to deliver a presentation to the newly appointed Chief Veterinary Officer for the Welsh Government, his team, and the Welsh Government’s Animal Welfare Policy makers at Theatr Botanica at the Botanical Gardens. The talk was well received with positive feedback given, and we were able to demonstrate our commitment to improving standards in animal welfare. The presentation was delivered by Robert Thomas, Cariad Pet Therapy’s Quality & Development Manager. Robert was accompanied by Volunteer Director Neil with his assistance and therapy dog Binki, who spoke about the impact of dogs and volunteering.

We deliver training to the new Student Nurse Degree cohorts at Aberystwyth University on The Role of Pet Therapy in Rehabilitation and Recovery - 'I just wanted to send through an email of thanks for the fantastic day that you and the team delivered for the student nurses today. It was genuinely one of the most engaged I’ve seen them and they were all singing your praises and how much they loved the session – a few even commented that they didn’t realise until today how much they needed the strokes and cuddles with the beautiful dogs - Lecturer in Healthcare Education, Aberystwyth University.

Feedback from an online talk delivered to staff from Swansea bay UHB Mental Health & Learning Disabilities team:

'Your presentation was brilliant, very knowledgable and the service you offer with the dogs is amazing. It must be very rewarding for you and the benefits to the patients/customers is immense. The care, thoughtfulness and respect you have for the dogs is also amazing. Well done for all you do!'

‎©2018-2025 by Cŵn Cymorth Cariad | Cariad Pet Therapy

Companies House 11656368

Wales, UK 

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