Examples of outcomes for the volunteers and their dogs:
This organisation is the very best. I’m so glad I did my research before making the best choice. Bentley and I feel very well supported and are proud to be part of this professional team.
Cariad have been so supportive from day one. I feel I am part of a bigger picture. I also feel they genuinely love my dog as much as I do and want us to make a difference.
I started looking at other things I could do with my dog that would benefit both of us and build on our relationship and as part of that I came across Cariad Pet Therapy. There are lots of therapy dog organisations out there and I had carried out a lot of investigation into them all and their backgrounds, their ethos was and what they stood for. I felt that Cariad Pet Therapy was the one that most reflected our relationship. I felt that Cariad Pet Therapy had the right ethos with their dog welfare charter, about it being a partnership and being able to allow the dog to disengage when they needed to.
The day I decided to become a pet therapy volunteer with Cariad Pet Therapy was one of the best decisions I have made.
Being a volunteer for Cariad Pet Therapy has made such a difference to my life. I feel a part of something so special. Thank you for allowing me and my dog to be part of this wonderful family of volunteers.
Thank YOU (all of you) for all the back-up help and encouragement. It's brilliant. Great to be part of such a supportive team.
So grateful to be part of an organisation that prioritises safeguarding and welfare above all else.
It’s hard to put into words what I’ve experienced whilst volunteering with Cariad Pet Therapy. The overwhelming positive benefits are obvious to see in the patients we have visited in a palliative care setting and an older adult’s mental health inpatient ward.
I think we are underselling ourselves at Cariad Pet Therapy as much as I was a volunteer with the larger organisations for a long time, and I am on my 5th therapy dog. You never had this connection between volunteers and this nucleus of goodness. I get more out of volunteering for Cariad Pet Therapy than I did all those years volunteering elsewhere. This is brilliant and absolutely fantastic with the human element; we are not just a number.
My dog and I get a lot back from these visits. The children and staff recognise him when we arrive and come to pat him and chat. It is heartwarming to witness how much is being done to help a long deprived community in Wales.
I am a previous long-term mental health sufferer now recovered, these visits give me a feeling of warmth and fulfilment. I feel we are really making a difference. Cariad Pet Therapy work hard to make sure we are all happy and it’s amazing to be part of such a welcoming team.
Seeing the difference my dog and I make to so many people makes me feel so proud and energised. It really helps my wellbeing and my dog loves it too. We feel so welcome at Cariad Pet Therapy.
My heart nearly burst with happiness. I can’t tell you how happy and teary I am tonight, to think that Darsi and I actually make a difference to people's lives. Thank you for giving us this opportunity.
We have met incredible young people who are fighting tough mental health challenges. I have seen the most humbling connections made between children at their absolute lowest and a dog able to see beyond illness. Whether it's a smile for the first time in weeks or a reminder of their own pets at home who they may be missing it really is something so very pure, innocent and emotionally powerful at times.
Examples of outcomes for those we visit:
I went on behalf of the National Lottery to film with Cariad Pet Therapy's gorgeous dogs and we took them to a care home; spending time with them and seeing the difference it made was so lovely - Joanna Page, Actress & Presenter
Cariad Pet Therapy has been a real godsend to our staff and patients and we are so grateful for your dedication to making our lives a brighter - Senior Sister, Intensive Care Unit, Hywel Dda UHB
May I take this moment to thank your team for visiting us today. All staff and young people felt that Bentley was ideal for our unit, he was calm, super friendly, obedient and patient. Lynne was respectful, very friendly and helpful, engaging with staff and young people to provide a quality, enjoyable experience. One young person could not stop smiling for at least half an hour after they left and all felt the visit was beneficial, even staff!. Many thanks to all who provide this invaluable service - North Wales Adolescent Service (NWAS) who support young people who require specialist mental health support in hospital
One of the elements for our Animal Welfare Plan for Wales (2021-2026) consultation with the Welsh Government that wasn’t actually put forward to start with, is Animal Encounters and we had the idea from Rob at Cariad Pet Therapy. Your organisation is very well run but there may be people that want to bring their pet into a care setting but the pet may not be happy, we want to make sure that they have the right support and can look to your organisation as an example to go forward - Jane Jones, Animal Welfare, Welsh Government
I wanted to say a massive 'thank you' for organising for Max to come along to our Primary School yesterday. He was absolutely brilliant. Max was so calm and chilled and loved meeting all the children. I have to say the staff absolutely loved him too and it's a close run thing to say who got the most enjoyment from his visit! - Teacher
I work for the Welsh Ambulance Service. We had a visit to our 999 control room itoday from 3 lovely dogs and their owners. I’d just like to say how amazing it was to have them come in and how much the emergency call takers loved it. Just an email of appreciation and we would love to have them here again - 999 Call Centre Staff
The only reason I have come into school this week is for that moment I get a cwtch with Binki as it helps with my chaotic life - Secondary School Pupil
Can’t recommend this organisation highly enough! Extremely personable & professional. Awesome humans & lovely dogs - Health Professional
To Casi, thank you for making today a better day by showing me some love and your unconditional cuddles - A patient at an in-patient psychiatric unit wrote a note and handed it to the therapy dog volunteer as they were leaving
Just some feedback regarding today’s session: I don’t think I have seen my patient smile so much. Just a simple thing being able to interact with a dog, but when you have been in hospital for most of your adult life that’s not so simple. Steve and Bruce were fantastic; calm and easy going - Occupational Therapist, Specialist Learning Disability, Autism & Forensic Independent Hopsital, Wrexham
Thank you so much for bringing Dougie in yesterday. You do not know how perfect your timing was. It has been a rough couple of weeks for our staff, so his visit was like oxygen for our souls - Intensive Care Unit Nurse
We really want to help highlight Cariad Pet Therapy, Rob was fantastic in setting us up with the lovely volunteers and their amazing dogs to be filmed. They do fantastic work at Hywel Dda, the patients and staff adore them - Senior Communications Officer, Hywel Dda University Health Board
Sam (therapy dog) visited a lady who loved dogs and was in the last hours of her life. Sam went in with her family and carefully got up on the bed and lied down with her whilst she stroked him. Her family were so happy it allowed them to still make memories in her final hours - Palliative Care Nurse
Cariad Pet Therapy have played a key role in supporting our autistic 5 year-old son in accessing key areas in his school, without the anxiety he previously experienced. We may not have believed it, had we not experienced the huge improvements in our child first-hand - Parent
Marco is a big friend here at Bro Preseli Day Service; he brings joy and friendship with his monthly visits. We provide a day service for the Older Person and People with a Learning Disability through Pembrokeshire County Council. The sensory element and social interaction he creates on his visits are priceless. Marco creates an atmosphere of excitement amongst the Day Service when the group know it is his day for visiting! A big Thank you to Team Marco.
Keep up the fantastic work that you guys do. It's wonderful to see how much you do, not only to help the dogs but also those who need comfort and assistance. Plus it's always great to see such fantastic doggies first thing on a Monday morning! - The National Lottery
I can wholeheartedly agree with this, but from a staff point of view - you help make a stressful day turn into a happier one! You all do an amazing job - Reply on social media from a staff nurse regarding an impactful quote
Today was the first time I have been near a dog since I was mauled by at dog 12 months ago that left me with severe injuries with the need for surgery and emotional stress. Aslan the therapy dog was so gentle. Your visit to our workplace has made usch a difference to me and my recovery. Thank you - Staff member attending a workplace wellbeing visit in North Wales
Reading Paws feedback from the children at Rhos Primary School regarding Fern the Black Labrador:
Makes me happy and feel cuddly inside
If we aren’t sure of dogs, it helps you get used to them and not be scared of them
I like reading to Fern because it makes me happy!
Talking and reading makes Fern happy
I like reading to Fern because she is fluffy and is just like my teddies
If you are feeling sad, Fern makes me feel better
I like to read my book to Fern because it makes me happy
It makes me feel excited when I give her tickles!
I was calm when Linda read us the story about Fern
We love Fern coming to see us in school
Lilibet gave me a lovely welcome in the corridor, the staff love seeing the Cariad dogs too. Cassie was a beautiful gentle girl as well, can see why the patients love them so much - NHS Nurse
It was lovely to see the confidence building in some patients, it shows what a huge difference the sessions are making to patients on the wards! Thank you for coming to the Hergest Unit and spreading so much joy amongst staff and patients - Occupational Therapist, Ysbyty Gwynedd Hospital
It was genuinely one of the most engaged I’ve seen our nursing students and they were all singing your praises and how much they loved the therapy dog training session – a few even commented that they didn’t realise until today how much they needed the strokes and cuddles with the beautiful dogs - Matt Townsend, Lecturer in Healthcare Education, Aberystwyth University