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UK Quality Volunteering Standard Investing in Volunteers (IiV) awarded to Cariad Pet Therapy

Cariad Pet Therapy is proud to be an Investing in Volunteers (IiV) achiever, having been awarded the quality mark/standard in January 2024. It shows that they value their volunteers and demonstrates a commitment to volunteering within the organisation.


Robert Thomas, Quality & Development Manager said, ‘we are extremely pleased to have achieved this standard as a voluntary organisation - it offers a benchmark for providing our volunteers across Wales and into Scotland with the best possible volunteering experience.’


Investing in Volunteers is the UK quality standard for all organisations involving volunteers. Investing in Volunteers aims to improve the quality of the volunteering experience for all volunteers and demonstrates that organisations value the enormous contribution made by their volunteers.

Cariad Pet Therapy is the first therapy dog organisation in the UK to receive this recognition and demonstrates their dual commitment to volunteer experience and dog welfare.


Investing in Volunteers is delivered by the national volunteering infrastructure bodies in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Together they enable organisations across the UK to achieve the award.


Cariad Pet Therapy was assessed against six quality areas and proved to excel in all aspects of working with its volunteers.


The Chair of UKVF (the Awarding Body) said “UKVF is delighted to announce Cariad Pet Therapy ‘s successful achievement of this Award, they have demonstrated a real commitment to volunteering, proven that their volunteer management policies and procedures meet nationally recognised standards.”


Investing in Volunteers is unique in that it is the only standard that focuses on volunteers. It is based on the following six quality areas:


1. Vision for Volunteering

2. Planning for Volunteers

3. Volunteer inclusion

4. Recruiting and welcoming volunteers

5. Supporting volunteers

6. Valuing and developing volunteers


Further information about the Standard can be found on The Standard will enhance volunteer management and is rigorous but is designed to be simple to implement and not to generate large amounts of paperwork.

Cariad Pet Therapy, founded in 2018 with its head office in Haverfordwest, provides wellbeing visits from therapy dogs to healthcare, education & employers, home visits to address loneliness in the older population and runs a pet food bank to help pet owners experiencing financial hardship. This award is their 5th in 5 years. More details on their volunteering opportunities and services can be found at or call their head office on 01437 723628.

5 awards received in 5 years for Cariad Pet Therapy

Sue Leonard, Chief Officer at PAVS, said: 'We are delighted to hear that another Pembrokeshire organisation has received the Investing in Volunteers Standard. Achieving the award is a real reflection of the commitment, made by an organisation, to ensuring volunteers have the best possible experience through high quality volunteer management and support. A tremendous amount of activity is carried out in Pembrokeshire by volunteers and so much would not be possible without them. Well done to the team at Cariad Pet Therapy, and of course, to all their volunteers'

1. For further information about the programme, please contact:

2. UK Volunteering Forum represents the lead Volunteer Development Agencies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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